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[E] Gizer
[E] Gizer
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over 6 years ago
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about 1 year ago
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Username: GizerClaim coordinates: -744 +290Original claim owner: charzmanderReason you want the claim: I'm planning to build a big city inspired by Venice in the area. Proof you contacted the claim owner:
over 2 years ago
In-game name: Gizer When did you join Minetown? 07.2018 Have you ever been banned? Why? No Are you a part of the Discord Community? Yes i joined the discord a few weeks after first joining the Minecraft server How much time do you normally spend on Minetown in a week? 10 hours on a ragular basis but somtimes 30h+ Can you work well with a team? I have worked together with other people for quite some time, but was never actually part of a build team. What are your skills with WorldEdit? I have been using WorldEdit since I started building. I think that I now alot about it, as well as VoxelSniper, goBrush and WorldPainter Why do you want to join the Build Team? I enjoy playing on minetown, so I want to use my building abilities to help the server expand Pictures: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/354190976727908352/527260805025103882/sneakpeak.png?width=1064&height=586 https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/354190976727908352/527262443890540546/2018-12-26_00.11.58.png?width=1058&height=586 https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/354190976727908352/527260886822420510/2017-07-03_21.21.40.png?width=1064&height=586 https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/354190976727908352/527260996549476352/2017-10-16_20.13.05.png?width=1064&height=586 https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/354190976727908352/527261028384505867/2018-03-04_22.09.50.png?width=1064&height=586 https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/354190976727908352/527267531367514112/2018-12-26_00.32.14.png?width=1064&height=586 https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/354190976727908352/527260996549476352/2017-10-16_20.13.05.png?width=1064&height=586 https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/354190976727908352/527261033530785802/2018-12-25_23.59.58.png?width=1058&height=586 https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/354190976727908352/527269901774225409/2018-12-26_00.41.52.png?width=1064&height=586
over 6 years ago